All Courses
Watch back our Guided Morning Meditation led by Narayan Aylward who manages one of the most renowned meditation centres: Le Moulin De Chaves.
We will upload new sessions monthly, so think of this as your library archive of great conscious content for you to use to get grounded.
The replays are complimentary if you are a Show Up Member (just €15 a month) which gives you access to free classes and member hangouts and up to 30% off our events. But, fear not, we have made session in each course free for you to access.
These 20-30min Guided Meditation will help you improve your meditation practice & start your day off with a sense of peace & clarity. Which we believe is key to a free flowing day.
Replay these in the comfort of your own home. So, grab your cushion, get comfortable & let's make this an incredible start to your day!
Thanks for Showing Up for yourself. We can't wait to see you there!
Join us for the replays of Evening Wind Down Yoga! Hosted by Show Up Barcelona's Simone Topel. This 20-30minute session is designed to help wind down from your day & prime yourself for a great night's sleep for the rest of your week. We will upload new sessions monthly.
We will upload new sessions monthly, so think of this as your library archive of great conscious content for you to use to get grounded.
The replays are complimentary if you are a Show Up Member (just €15 a month) which gives you access to free classes and member hangouts and up to 30% off our events. But, fear not, we have made session in each course free for you to access.
You can join us from the comfort of your own home. So, grab your yoga mat, make a cup of tea & let's finish off the day with embodies awareness.
Thank you for Showing Up for yourself. We can't wait to see you there!
Start or end your day with presence and intention by getting your mind & body ready for rest. With guidance by Show Up Malaga's Mariana and founder Jake, you couldn't be in better hands to calm your nervous system down to prepare yourself for a night of quality sleep.
We will upload new sessions monthly, so think of this as your library archive of great conscious content for you to use to get grounded.
The replays are complimentary if you are a Show Up Member (just €15 a month) which gives you access to free classes and member hangouts and up to 30% off our events. But, fear not, we have made a session in each course free for you to access. So, get comfy, either sitting or lying down & sink into experience.
Thanks for Showing Up for yourself. We can't wait to see you there!